"Why should people wear masks?"
Masks are a key measure to suppress transmission and save lives.
Masks should be used as part of a comprehensive ‘Do it all!’ approach including physical distancing, avoiding crowded, closed and close-contact settings, good ventilation, cleaning hands, covering sneezes and coughs, and more.
Depending on the type, masks can be used for either protection of healthy persons or to prevent onward transmission.
"Why are your custom masks any better than disposable masks?"
Wearing custom made re-usable masks, there is better filtration, breathability and fit when choosing a fabric mask. Fabric masks also offer adjustable elastics to better suit your facial shape and maximize comfortability.
"Is it hard to breathe in fabric masks?"
Our masks are made up of:
- Inner layer of absorbent material, such as cotton.
- Middle layer of non-woven non-absorbent material, such as polypropylene.
- Outer layer of non-absorbent material, such as polyester or polyester blend.
These materials act as filters, rather than push the air out the sides of the mask, it acts almost as a filter, allowing you to breath comfortably.
How should I wear and clean a fabric mask?
How to put on and wear a fabric mask:
- Before touching the mask, clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
- Inspect the mask for tears or holes, do not use a mask that is damaged.
- Adjust the mask to cover your mouth, nose, and chin, leaving no gaps on the sides.
- Place the straps behind your head or ears. Do not cross the straps because this can cause gaps on the side of your face.
- Avoid touching the mask while wearing it. If you touch it, clean your hands.
- Change your mask if it gets dirty or wet.
How to take off and store a fabric mask:
- Clean your hands before taking off the mask.
- Take off the mask by removing it from the ear loops, without touching the front of the mask.
- If your fabric mask is not dirty or wet and you plan to reuse it, put it in a clean plastic, resealable bag. If you need to use it again, hold the mask at the elastic loops when removing it from the bag. Clean your mask once a day.
- Clean your hands after removing the mask.
How to clean a fabric mask:
- Wash fabric masks in soap or detergent and preferably hot water (at least 60 degrees Centigrade/140 degrees Fahrenheit) at least once a day.
- If it is not possible to wash the mask in hot water, then wash it in soap/detergent and room temperature water, followed by boiling the mask for 1 minute.
Do you sell any health products other than masks?
Not only do we sell masks, we also sell scented hand sanitizers made with naturally derived alcohol. We currently have three variations to choose from: Berry Blue, Green Apple and Grape Gush. You can find the sanitizers on the sanitizers page or on the home page.